Are You Networking Your Way To A Better Career?

James Caan
Serial Entrepreneur and Investor in People with Passion

People often have the perception that networking is only relevant to entrepreneurs who are looking to win new business. But I have long been of the opinion that whether you’re a business owner, a middle manager, or an employee just starting your career, networking should be a big part of your professional life.

If you are serious about progressing your career then you need to be proactive. Scouring recruitment websites and job portals are a crucial part of job searches, but a significant percentage of vacancies aren’t advertised. By connecting with the right people, you can find out about opportunities that you may otherwise have missed.

Of course not everybody is a natural networker – early on in my career I found it tough to walk into a room full of strangers and strike up a conversation. However I knew that it was important both for my brand and my contacts book, so I worked hard to improve my skills and become more comfortable.

There isn’t a massive secret to being a great networker – I believe you simply need to be a good listener and receptive to other people. There are some people who see networking as a sales opportunity and go to events with the intention of talking about themselves the whole time. This can be seen as boastful and usually negates any chance you have of building a quality relationship. Show an interest in other people, and when you follow up a few days later, remind them of the conversation you had. This shows them that you were paying attention and have a genuine interest in connecting with them.

It can be tempting to avoid networking events, but you never know who you may bump into or what opportunities may arise. For example, as somebody who regularly hires staff even when there are no vacancies, it is important for me to find people that I think can add value to my business. One of the best ways in which I find these people is through such events. A chance meeting with someone, or a recommendation from another business owner, has often led me towards key hires.

It may seem like an unnecessary distraction and a drain on your time but networking is always well worth the effort in the long run. Opportunities won’t always come to you and it’s important that you are able to find them for yourself. By building relationships with key people within your industry you are giving yourself every chance of good career progression.

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